How to take responsibility for your emotions and impact

How to take responsibility for your emotions and impact

Today, I’m addressing a question from Angela about how to honor taking responsibility for your emotions and tend to the impact your actions have on others.

1. Acknowledge Your Power: 

The first step in honoring your emotional responsibility is recognizing that you have power. Your words and actions have an impact, both positive and negative. Understanding this is crucial in taking responsibility for your emotions and how they affect others.

2. Responsibility vs. Accountability:

Responsibility is proactive—it's about assessing who you’re responsible to and how you choose to show up. Accountability is reactive—it's about responding to conflicts and taking ownership of your actions or inactions. Both are essential in maintaining healthy relationships.

3. Tools for Emotional Responsibility:

One tool I recommend is using a feelings wheel for compassionate journaling. This helps you identify and understand your emotions without falling into self-pity. Engaging in regular emotional practices like therapy, journaling, or mindfulness can help you manage your emotions better in any situation.

4. Tending to Your Impact: 

You can’t control how others will react to your actions, but you can be accountable for your impact. This means actively listening, understanding the other person’s perspective, and offering a sincere apology when needed.

5. Steps to Practicing Accountability: 

When practicing accountability, it’s important to acknowledge your impact, listen for understanding, and engage in meaningful repair. This involves open communication, negotiation, and following through on agreed-upon actions.

Conflict and tension are inevitable in any relationship, but by taking responsibility for your emotions and practicing accountability, you can navigate these challenges with grace. Remember, the goal isn’t to avoid conflict but to manage it in a way that strengthens your relationships. Thank you, Angela, for your question. I hope this has been helpful!